Some quotes for you

(Good life choices: listening to this song)

"You come to me and unite Yourself intimately to me under the form of nourishment. Your Blood now runs in mine, Your Soul,  Incarnate God, compenetrates mine, giving courage and support. What miracles! Who would have ever imagined such!" St Maximilian Kolbe

"No one asked us to dumb down Catholicism, we did it to ourselves…Our high school  kids are reading Shakespeare… they’re reading Einstein for science and we’re giving them comic books for religion. Why aren’t we reading, with our kids, religion at the highest level?" Bishop Robert Barron

"Look for Christ and you will find Him. And with Him, everything else." CS Lewis

"You feel the stream of grace which rushes into you, warm and red, and yet have not felt how you are loved? You seek for a proof, and yet you yourself are that proof." Heart of the World, von Balthasar

"Either Jesus is everything, or He is nothing." Fr Mario


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