it was for you.

i kept telling you about this song - this musician.
i played my favorite song of his
in your car, on the way back,
my heart warm and my cheeks still red with the cold.

now, i feel like the song.
a storm came,
it started before you,
but you were another sheet of heavy rain,
mixed with hail,
pelting on the top of my head,
beating me down.

i was laying on the ground,
for a long time,
but eventually,
the sun started to shine.

i was in the chapel last night,
and i almost got up to leave -
but it was like my Father -
he asked me to stay.
more, he told me to stay.

the smell of lilies mixed with incense
i will never forget that scent.

my Father -
he remind me about the fortress,
as i sit amidst the lilies and the dark light and the lingering smell of incense.
it's 9:45.
the fortress he keeps building up around me
to keep me close to him, safe with him.

and now i can listen to that song again -
weathered -
and it doesn't make me sick to my stomach.

my Father
he really does make all things new.


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